us killed a kudu the guide would receive fifteen shillings. 'You mean a pound,' said the leading guide. 'They seem to know what they're up to,' Pop said. 'I must say I don't care for this sportsman in spite of what B'wana Simba says.' B'wana Simba, by the way, we later found out to be an excellent hunter with a wonderful reputation on the coast. 'We'll put them into two lots and you draw from them,' Pop suggested, 'one naked one and one with breeches in each lot. I'm all for the naked savage, myself, as a guide.' On suggesting to the two testimonial-equipped, breeched guides that they select an unclothed partner, we found this would not work out. Loud Mouth, the financial and, now, theatrical, genius who was giving a gesture-by-gesture reproduction of How B'wana Simba Killed His Last Kudu interrupted it long enough to state he would only hunt with Abdullah. Abdullah, the short, thick-nosed, educated one, was His Tracker. They always hunted together. He himself did not track. He resumed the pantomime of B'wana Simba and another character known as B'wana Doktor and the horned beasts. 'We'll take the two savages as one lot and these two Oxonians as the other,' Pop said.